Hell is Made Holy : How the Dead Sea scrolls and the book of Revelation show that the wicked and hell cease to exist according to the Christian doctrines of annihilationism and conditional immortality.

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Book Synopsis: Revelation 14:10-11 and 20:10 seem to be some of the strongest verses in the Bible supporting the idea that the wicked will be tormented for eternity. Their language seems to be quite clear, “The smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever.” Hell is Made Holy demonstrates that this language is very likely intentionally borrowed from the symbolism of the endlessly rising smoke of the Old Testament sacrificial system where it has nothing to do with endless torment. Additionally, Hell is Made Holy explores numerous other unique intentional pointing phrases in Revelation which are pointing to the same phrases being used in the ancient Greek and Aramaic Old Testaments. These Old Testament Bibles were the Bibles of John’s ancient audience of Revelation. In the Greek and Aramaic Old Testaments these phrases are defined and used in ways which are clear indications that the wicked ultimately cease to exist as described by the doctrines of annihilationism and conditional immortality.
The doctrine of annihilationism primarily emphasizes that the judgment of the wicked results in their cessation of existence, while conditional immortality places its main emphasis on the concept that endless immortality is only granted by God on the condition that a person chooses to have faith in Jesus. The two doctrines are nearly equivalent in meaning, and are frequently used as synonyms.
Book print length: 263 pgs.
Additional reading:
Some additional books on annihilationism which this author considers to be exceptionally informative are:
1 – The Fire that Consumes by Edward William Fudge
2 – Rethinking Hell by Christopher M Date, Gregory G Stump, Joshua W Anderson
3 – Hell Know by Dirk Warren
4 – A Consuming Passion by Christopher M Date, Ron Highfield
5 – The Duration and Nature of Future Punishment by Henry Constable
6 – Erasing hell by Francis Chan, Preston Sprinkle
7 – Do the Holy Scriptures Teach the Endlessness of Future Punishment by Moses E Lard